Ape's Games

Minecraft IW4x Valheim


IW4x is a free and safe client for MW2. This client comes with a number of benefits.

  • Free DLC
  • New Weapons
  • New Maps
  • Mod Support

Full Download

To download IW4x, please select from one of the download options below.
IW4x - US CENTRAL (Includes DLC and Update Files)
IW4x - MEGA (Requires the Update Files)

Ape's IW4x Stats Tracker

Update Files - Last Updated September 19 2023

1. Download iw4x-update-r4303.zip
2. Open the iw4x-update-r4303.zip file.
3. In another file explorer window, open up your IW4x installation folder.
4. Highlight the three files and the two folders inside the update zip file and drag them into your IW4x directory.
5. Click replace files if the overwrite window pops up.
6. Launch the new launcher alterware-launcher.exe and follow the update process.

DLC - Last Updated March 25th 2023

1. Download iw4x_dlcs-3-25-23.zip
2. Open the iw4x_dlcs-3-25-23.zip file.
3. In another file explorer window, open up your IW4x installation folder.
4. Highlight the main and zone folders inside the DLC zip file and drag them into your IW4x directory.
5. Click replace files if the overwrite window pops up.
6. Boot up your game and enjoy the new DLC!

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